Google Cloud Сертификати

Certifications by role

Certifications by level

Associate Certifications

The associate level certification is a job-task based certification focused on core Google Cloud Platform technology. This certification is a good starting point for those new to cloud or new to GCP and can be used as a path to professional level certifications.

Recommended experience: 6 months+ hands-on experience with GCPAssociate Cloud Engineer

Demonstrate your ability to deploy applications, monitor operations, and maintain cloud projects on Google Cloud Platform.

Associate Cloud Engineer

Demonstrate your ability to deploy applications, monitor operations, and maintain cloud projects on Google Cloud Platform.

G Suite Certification

The product proficiency certification assesses an individual’s ability to use core tools and services. Intended for individuals who have experience using G Suite technology.

Professional Certifications

Demonstrate your proficiency to design, build and manage solutions on Google Cloud Platform.

Recommended experience: 3+ years of industry experience including 1+ years designing and managing solutions using GCP.

Professional Cloud Architect

Professional certifications are job-role based and assess advanced design and implementation skills developed through hands-on experience.

Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer (beta)

Demonstrate your proficiency in efficient development operations and your ability to deploy and monitor reliable services on Google Cloud Platform.

Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Demonstrate your ability to implement and manage network architectures in Google Cloud Platform.

Professional Cloud Security Engineer

Demonstrate your ability to configure and manage a secure infrastructure leveraging GCP Security Technologies.

Professional Collaboration Engineer

Demonstrate your ability to design and implement solutions for organization efficiency leveraging G Suite and the Google Cloud toolset.

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