Requirements Engineering
Whenever problems arise with projects these days, the cause is frequently the inadequate definition of the requirements. IREB has identified this problem and strives to resolve it by implementing an international standard for Requirements Engineering.
Your certification as an IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering documents that you are a Requirements Engineering expert. Having this qualification, you know how to identify and specify requirements and now to conduct effective requirements analyses.
You are also familiar with the key methods and processes of Requirements Engineering. Hence, our certification helps you prove your Requirements Engineering qualifications to your customers and employers. Thanks to the international syllabus this program can now be taught and certified on the same level – globally.
Document your competences – get certified!
IREB, the International Requirements Engineering Board, is a non-profit organization. It is the provider of the IREB CPRE (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering) certification scheme. The IREB board consists of leading RE experts, who come from industry, science and research. IREB is today the leading certification scheme in the field of Requirements Engineering with more than 30.000 professionals who have passed the certification.
It addresses to individuals working in Business Analysis, Requirements Engineering and Testing, having highest demands on their work quality.
Foundation Level
The CPRE Foundation Level covers the fundamentals of the Requirements Engineering domain, methodology and available techniques.
Advanced Level
There are four modules:
- Requirements Elicitation
- Requirements Modeling
- Requirements Management
- RE@Agile
Expert Level
The Expert Level is available for the candidates who have at least three CPRE Advanced Level certificates.
IREB CPRE Foundation Level
The Foundation Level addresses the needs of all people involved in the topic of Requirements Engineering. This includes people in roles such as project or IT management, domain experts, system analysts and software developers.
The IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level certification covers the following topics:
- Introduction and Foundations
- System and Systems
- Requirements Elicitation
- Requirements Documentation
- Documentation of Requirements using Natural Language
- Model-based Documentation of Requirements
- Requirements validation and negotiation
- Requirements Management
- Tool Support
Target audience: The IREB CPRE Foundation Level addresses the advanced beginner in Requirements Engineering and provides the core knowledge of this topic.
Prerequisites: there are no prerequisites to apply for IREB CPRE FL.
A person with a CPRE FL certificate:
is familiar with the terminology of Requirements Engineering/Business Analysis and Requirements Management,
understands the basic techniques and methods of Requirements Engineering and their application,
is familiar with the most established notations for requirements.
You can find the IREB syllabi here.
These educational units on the subject of „Agile“ are offered as part of the CPRE scheme:
- RE@Agile Primer
- Advanced Level RE@Agile (see Advanced Level sector below)
RE@Agile Primer
The RE@Agile Primer imparts of how RE methods and techniques can advantageously be applied in agile development processes, and how techniques from the agile approach can improve the RE practice.
With the IREB® – RE@Agile Primer certification:
- You will have an independent, internationally recognised certification as proof of expertise in the field of requirements engineering and Agile
- You will learn the roles and importance of requirements engineering in agile processes and the value of agility in requirements engineering
- You will learn how to choose the right measures at the right time in order to produce high-quality work
Target audience:
This certification is aimed at anyone interested in the topic of requirements engineering and agility who wants to gain background knowledge on the interplay of the two fields. It is particularly suitable for:
- Requirements engineers,
- Software testers, software developers, software architects,
- Business analysts,
- Project managers.
IREB CPRE Advanced Level
The IREB CPRE Advanced Level stands for mastering and using methods and techniques.
There are four modules:
Requirements Modeling
Requirements Management
Requirements Elicitation
Techniques from the Foundation Level are elaborated here in more detail and further techniques added enabling participants to efficiently elicit and consolidate requirements.
Requirements Modeling
Correct use of graphical models to express functional requirements.
Requirements Management
Appropriate methods and techniques to effectively deal with the management of requirements throughout the product development.
How to apply RE methods and techniques in agile development processes – and vice versa.
There is an exam for each module with a corresponding certificate. Choose the module(s) that fits best to you and your profession.
Target audience:
The Advanced Level addresses the holders of the CPRE Foundation Level certificate, who want to deepen their knowledge of particular Requirements Engineering and Business Analysis activities.
Prerequisite for participation in the examination for IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Advanced Level – is the certificate
IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level
REQB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering Foundation Level
certificate Requirements Engineering of the British Computer Society (BCS)
Without one of these certificates, participation in the examination is not possible, and other certificates do not entitle you to participate in the examination.
Download the IREB CPRE Advanced Level syllabi here.
IREB Syllabi & Glossary
IREB Glossary
Download the IREB Glossary here. It includes English, French, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Swedish terminology.
All syllabi are available for complimentary download here. You can use them to prepare for the respective exams.
The applicable syllabus for education in the Foundation Level is version 2.2, valid since 1 March 2015.
It is available in the following languages:
IREB CPRE Foundation Level Exam
The exam required to be awarded the IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering degree is based on the syllabus. All parts of the syllabus may be components of the exam. The exam questions do not have to necessarily focus on a certain component, but may cover multiple disciplines.
General exam information:
The exam format is single choice, multiple choice and true/false questions.
The exam contains out of 45 questions. A participant has 75 minutes to sit it.
Depending on the difficulty, each question yields 1 to 3 points. The achievable points are given in the header of the question.
To pass the exam you have to score at least 70.00 percent of the total points.
Candidates eligible to participate in an IREB exam either have attended an accredited course or they are participants of an open exam (no prior course attendance required). However, GASQ recommends participants attend a training program with an accredited provider prior to taking the exam.
You can download the IREB CPRE FL Examinations Regulations here.
IREB CPRE Advanced Level Exam
The examination consists of two parts
Part 1: Written examination
Part 2: Written assignment
The examination is considered passed when the two parts of the examination are passed, i.e. each part of the examination must be passed, independently of the other. Passing part 1 is a prerequisite for participation in part 2.
Both parts of the examination must be completed within 12 months from the first participation in the part 1 examination, otherwise the examination is failed. This time limit of 12 months applies in all possible cases, including repetition of individual parts.
Part 1 of the examination is considered passed if 70.00 percent of the total score of this examination part has been achieved.
Part 2 of the examination is considered passed if 60.00 percent of the total score of this examination part has been achieved.
The examination durations are
Part 1: 75 minutes (earlier handing in is possible)
Part 2: about two day’s homework within a period of 12 months after the very first attempt for part 1 of the examination. The submission of part 2 must occur in any event before the end of the 12-months’ time limit
Part 1: Written Examination
Part 1 of the examination is carried out in the form of a written examination.
The examination consists of multiple choice questions. Construction and assessment of multiple choice questions follows the IREB examination regulations for the Foundation Level.
Part 2: Written assignment
As part of the written assignment, the examination candidate must create a written study on predefined groups of topics. The written study must be original work performed by the examination candidate (i.e. without help from others), using only the literature and tools stated by the examination candidate according to generally accepted scientific criteria.
For the completion of the written study, the examination candidate should invest the equivalent of two working days (i.e. approximately 16 hours of work). The scope of the work is about 10 to 15, maximum 20, A4 pages (font: 11pt, margin: 2.5 cm, single spaced).
The written assignment has to be provided in English or German language.
You can download the IREB CPRE AL Examinations Regulations here.